Colon hydrotherapy

Colon hydrotherapy is used to cleanse the bowel. The patient lies on his or her back in a comfortable position while water at a pleasantly warm temperature passes from the colon machine into the lower bowel via a plastic tube.


The therapist constantly alters the pressure and temperature of the water entering the bowel, to increase the effect. The patient’s stomach area is massaged during the session, which also encourages the cleansing process and stimulates the lymph flow from the intestine walls.


The entire process is painless and odourless.


This is a detoxification method which treats the whole person, since a psychological release of tension seems to occur during colon hydrotherapy treatment: the patient can clear out a lot of unwanted waste which has collected in the psyche over the years.

The healthy gut

Approximately 80% of our immune system is located in our colon. This is why a healthy digestive tract is so important for our wellbeing.


As a result, in particular, of the eating choices of western societies, environmental pollution and medications, most people’s colons contain impacted waste matter and harbor bacterial overgrowth (dysbiosis) with putrefied matter and yeast imbalances.


Colon hydrotherapy Berlin Zehlendorf

Combined with bad eating habits, this creates gases and toxins in the colon, which leads to weakness and also reduced functioning of the immune system.


But the colon rarely causes pain when it is sick because it does not have the necessary sensory nerve endings. For this reason it is important to pay attention to this vital organ before serious illness occurs.

Scope of application - When can Colon Hydrotherapy be used?

  • for chronic constipation/sluggish colon
  • for chronic conditions of the digestive system such as colitis ulzerosa, Morbus Crohn, IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) at a non-inflammatory stage
  • for chronic stomach problems
  • for bloating and liver conditions
  • to assist detoxification via the mucus membranes (also as part of an internal cleanse)
  • for food allergies, all types of skin problems, hayfever
  • loss of vitality, depression, aggression, lack of concentration, migraine
  • for chronic degenerative conditions of the joints such as osteoarthritis, rheumatism, chronic polyarthritis

Duration and cost

Each session lasts approximately 45 minutes.On average, between 6 and 8 treatment sessions are required for the best results. This naturopathic treatment is usually reimbursed in full by private health insurance.

Kirsten Thagaard Naturopath Berlin Zehlendorf

About me

My name is Kirsten Thagaard – I am originally from Denmark. I am married with two daughters and have lived for many years in Berlin. 


I have been practicing as a naturopath for several years and love being able to support my clients on their path to better health and wellness.


Visits by arrangement only.


Kirsten Thagaard - Naturopath

Fischerhüttenstraße 83

14163 Berlin


Phone +49 159-04011620


How to get here

U-Bahnhof Krumme Lanke, Bus 118, 622, N3, X11


Or find me on Google Maps